Sunday, June 23, 2013

something that i want to do

It's already been a long time. i think i will start again with this blog. for past post i have been writing my thoughts and what i felt about things happening around me, or inside me. but now, and time to come, i think i shall focuses on what i like and my passion. yeah...i think that it will be good...i think may take some time, but it will come..since i do like music, maybe i should do something with it. yes, i may be one of millions young'un out there thinking and wanting to produce my own sound, but hell, its everybody choice. is it not?

so i will start it, not for fame, not for money (but i do love money) but for things that i love, and while i'm at it, i think why not i'd combine with another thing that i like, yeah....that would be something...let's seee....i do love anime, and their thinking that i should do some cover on anime songs..well on acoustic of course, for at the moment i haven't got on my hands those flashy stuff for recording and stuff like that,...

but what should i do first? well...this is my first..and hope are not the last...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Sesuatu di dalam hati

Salam Sejahtera

tengah2 malam macam ni, aku teringat.

"orang lain aku boleh agak orang macamana dorang suka, tapi ko? yang macamana ko suka sebenarnya?"
kata seorang rakan.

"ko kan hati batu. takda perasaan. hahaha~"
kata seorang rakan.

dalam hati aku? tiada apa2 yang terlintas untuk menjelaskan atau memahami apa yang dorang katakan.

"ko bukan ada awek ke? mustahil takde awek."
kata seorang kouhai.

dalam hati aku? ketawa kecil. pernah ada.

"ko carilah awek, tak rasa sunyi ka?"
kata seorang rakan.

aku menjawab. kenapa aku perlu rasa sunyi? tak perlu aku buat repot harian macam korang.

mungkin aku penat. mungkin aku letih. letih dengan satu bab dalam hidup seorang manusia ni. satu bab yang memang setiap konfem lalu punya.

"ko bawa la dia keluar, macam dia minat ko tu."
sorang rakan mengatakan.

aku tak minat. buat apa nak aku sibuk?

tak dapat aku nak jelaskan.